Why do people need to get these fake ass tans?
I mean do they think “Huh how can I look like a cheap whore and a superficial bitch”
I wouldn’t mind the fake tans if they made the girl look I’m not sure HOT. I think the point of a tan is to make you look good and a real tan give you cancer but it doesn’t matter just as long as you look kick ass.
What ever happened to people getting real tans huh? Going outside and playing with some sort of person or an animal or doing yard work or just laying in the grass. NOOOOOO!!!!!!! Girls would rather put orange butter on them and call it a tan.
I say this to the people of the world mostly girls but the random gay guy GO THE HELL OUTSIDE AND GET A NATRUAL TAN BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE ORANGE SHIT.
Girls of the world you have just seen the truth so now go to HUMOR-BLOGS.COM ok
and give me a smile because you know i am right.
I mean do they think “Huh how can I look like a cheap whore and a superficial bitch”
I wouldn’t mind the fake tans if they made the girl look I’m not sure HOT. I think the point of a tan is to make you look good and a real tan give you cancer but it doesn’t matter just as long as you look kick ass.
What ever happened to people getting real tans huh? Going outside and playing with some sort of person or an animal or doing yard work or just laying in the grass. NOOOOOO!!!!!!! Girls would rather put orange butter on them and call it a tan.
I say this to the people of the world mostly girls but the random gay guy GO THE HELL OUTSIDE AND GET A NATRUAL TAN BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE ORANGE SHIT.
Girls of the world you have just seen the truth so now go to HUMOR-BLOGS.COM ok
and give me a smile because you know i am right.
Well yes, I must agree that the fake tan is a major turn off. And when I see someone with this fake overlay my first thought is "Wtf have you done to yourself".
But at the same time I'm thinking that why do you need to tan at all, fake or no fake?
You can't run away from the sun, but why would anyone grill themselves in the sun?
I'm not against a healthy brown, but when a white girl changes the color of her skin too much, I think it just looks bad!
Nice blog :)
Keep it up.
Many females, and the occasional gay male, are superficial and fake and everything about them is fake... even down to the color of their skin. It is one thing to want to just not be a pastey white ghost and blind people but to attempt to alter your ethnicity is probably too extreme. When they have moles eating them alive when they are forty years old they will regret being so vain.
I could have moles eating me if i do this wait you do mean animal moles right cause if you do that would be so cool
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