I have had this argument so many times and it is pissing me off now. What argument you might ask the argument for Gay Marriage. I think they should be allowed to married for one reason and one reason only there is no LEGAL argument that they can not be allowed to get married. I have this argument a ton like I said and here is how the last one went well close to it I cant remember word for word.
Me: What is wrong with them being married they are two people
Dumbass: Because it says it is wrong in the bible
Me: Yea that is a religious point but have you forgotten the constitution
Dumbass: Yea I know what about it
Dumbass: What crawled up your ass?
Me: Your stupidity did you happen to forget about the part in there where it said SEPERATION OF CHRUCH AND STATE
Dumbass: What about it? It just means a priest or someone like that in a religious position can’t be in a high government position
Ok that’s all I can take I can’t type the crap that was pouring out of that guys mouth anymore. But after he said that I lost my mind I can’t remember what I was thinking I was so pissed off I went off on this guy in the middle of some small store in town and I started yelling. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME ARE YOU HIGH OR SOMETHING? HOLE F*CK” Yes I yelled that right in the store good thing it was such a small store or I could’ve been in trouble but I really didn’t care at the moment I calmed down long enough to get out of the store and finish my argument with this dumbass.
We go outside and I say surprising calm like
“That is not what SEPERATION OF CHRUCH AND STATE means it means that the church does not influence the law at all, that means no law can be made because of a religious argument”
We went on and on for it felt like days but it turned out to be about an hour but I think the exchange of words above show that I am right when I say you cant give me a reason why gay people cant get married
Again you should know I am right
Me: What is wrong with them being married they are two people
Dumbass: Because it says it is wrong in the bible
Me: Yea that is a religious point but have you forgotten the constitution
Dumbass: Yea I know what about it
Dumbass: What crawled up your ass?
Me: Your stupidity did you happen to forget about the part in there where it said SEPERATION OF CHRUCH AND STATE
Dumbass: What about it? It just means a priest or someone like that in a religious position can’t be in a high government position
Ok that’s all I can take I can’t type the crap that was pouring out of that guys mouth anymore. But after he said that I lost my mind I can’t remember what I was thinking I was so pissed off I went off on this guy in the middle of some small store in town and I started yelling. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME ARE YOU HIGH OR SOMETHING? HOLE F*CK” Yes I yelled that right in the store good thing it was such a small store or I could’ve been in trouble but I really didn’t care at the moment I calmed down long enough to get out of the store and finish my argument with this dumbass.
We go outside and I say surprising calm like
“That is not what SEPERATION OF CHRUCH AND STATE means it means that the church does not influence the law at all, that means no law can be made because of a religious argument”
We went on and on for it felt like days but it turned out to be about an hour but I think the exchange of words above show that I am right when I say you cant give me a reason why gay people cant get married
Again you should know I am right
There's no arguing with some people. They just don't get it. I have this arguement via letters to the editor all the time with a local yahoo.
I love having debates with people but man it pisses me off when the person doesnt know what he is talking about AHHHHHH!!!!!! give me facts and i will give you respect give me shit and ill walk away in victory
You're Right.. !
Are you shocked by that sarah i am always right duh
Anyone who actually cares enough to suppose he/she can get involved in someone else's business will never listen to reason.
I never could figure out what the big deal was. A gay marriage does not reflect on my marriage anymore than my neighbor's dysfunctional straight marriage reflect on my marriage.
And it' not like there is a huge flood of them anyway. Consider how long it takes to plan a wedding when both people care about the centerpieces.
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