This about political correctness what is the point I mean you are saying the same thing just with different words and I am a firm believer in the constitution and I think somewhere in there is I don’t know something about FREEDOM OF FUCKING SPEECH did that just leave the constitution or something oh wait this country just needs to piss and moan about nothing. Let people say what they want its not that hard if you don’t like what a person is saying don’t listen it is not rocket science I mean holy hell its like sticking your hand on fire and yelling in pain but you are too stupid to pull it away.
Why must people try to destroy the constitution something thousands millions have died for just because it doesn’t follow what some groups of people want in life here is some advice the world doesn’t revolve around you or anyone (besides me of course) so shut up and enjoy the fact that every word out of your dumb mouth isn’t censored
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
I had someone comment on one of my blogs that it was offensive that I called a waiter "The help"...I can't keep up with what offends people these days. Amazing.
Dan...did your "period" key break?
n.o. i. t.h.i.n.k i.t. w.o.r.k.s. j.u.s.t. f.i.n.e. b.u.t. i. w.a.s. l.a.z.y. o.h.h. w.e.l.l. w.h.a.t. c.a.n. y.o.u. d.o.
Thank you someone sees the fact that people expect others to do their dirty work
Hi by the way i want to thank you for visting my site.
Freedom of speech is still the best..
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