This is about terminally ill people being allowed to be euthanized by doctors. What I don’t get are people that are against it. Do they want people that are going to be dead in a month to suffer through hell for that month or just put them out of their misery and it’s the dying peoples choice its not like the doctors is force feeding poison down the patients throat.
I am shocked more people are not in support of this I think family members just get greedy and can’t seem to let go. Here is something to help these wuss ass family members THEY ARE GOING TO DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
I am shocked more people are not in support of this I think family members just get greedy and can’t seem to let go. Here is something to help these wuss ass family members THEY ARE GOING TO DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
your so right. If I would be in a place were I'm almost dying from pain. And some idiot goes no I want her to live -which means I want her to suffer for the next month and then I'll let go- How selfish is that?!
Hey you just might always be right ;)
XOXO Danny
ps:thnx for the link I like this post so I'll link it =)
I was just taking a "test" for a class today and this came up. Personally I think it's silly to disallow something like this. Although it's a sticky line and I wouldn't want to make the judgment call.
I think on a subject as emotive as this there should not be one hard and unbendable rule. And I dont think that anyone should judge harshly, the choice made by someone in such a circumstance. It must be torture to have to be in a postion where that situation is anything other than hypothetical...
People tend to polarize on issues like that - 'pro life' and 'pro choice'.... But this attitude detracts from the situation. Is anyone really 'anti-life?'. And is anyone really 'anti-choice?'. No... So the categories dont fit... Society wont be able to move on until individuals like you, me and all the others can start to see beyond these categories and realise that the real people making these real, heartbreaking choices to kill there loved ones, are only every acting out of what they think is right.
I just hope I never have to make that choice...
Increase the peace. More love!
P.S - hi dannii, fancy meeting you here lol
awesome yeah i say let the dying7 person choose
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