I went to a baseball game the other day and I sat in the upper deck and I like watching people so in-between one of the innings I saw at least a dozen fat people not those slightly over weight people but the ones that need butter to slides into their seats. I can understand being a little overweight or pleasantly plump (if you r to much of a wuss to call someone fat) When I was looking at these people and thinking there must be a time when you cant see your feet that you realize something is wrong with your lifestyle.
I would think that people would realize that something was wrong but they are to blind to notice anything wrong with themselves and it pisses me off
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
I would think that people would realize that something was wrong but they are to blind to notice anything wrong with themselves and it pisses me off
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
I have this convo with friends all the time, and am one of those that are pretty reluctant to call people fat. The feet thing- that was like from some cartoon back in the day and I totally agree with that but I assume some people don't look for their feet or even look in the mirror as much as they should...
yes, you are right. But it will not suit for all the times. Some time it could happen because of some diseases also. Thank you!!!
As always, you are right!
It's called suicide by cholesterol. I've been trying to off myself for 15 years now without success, and no, I can't see my feet, but I'm not blaming my genes or McD's or anything other than I'm lazy. A typical fat person disgusts themselves more than anyone else they come in contact with that day.
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