What would stop someone from killing someone getting killed or spending 20 years in a box? Yes jail serves its purpose for most people but if someone kills someone on purpose they deserve to be killed themselves it’s an eye for an eye. No waiting 20 years on death row either yes give people a chance to appeal and what not but make it short and sweet so people can move on. Also the death penalty puts more fear in people then jail so it would most likely prevent murders.
Why must criminals spend their whole life in a jail cell if they took a life if the person gets a life sentence make his/her life short that might sound cruel who cares what you think
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Why must criminals spend their whole life in a jail cell if they took a life if the person gets a life sentence make his/her life short that might sound cruel who cares what you think
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
hmmm nice blog....do add more posts
huh interesting post!
A jury of their peers have found them guilty and they have been sentenced to die. I don't get it, I really don't. Let them make their peace with God, say goodbye to their loved ones (two things their victims didn't get) and then blow the effers brains out in the alley behind the courthouse. Likety split, and no bull sh**
ok that was kinda my point and if u want to go that way TNO have fun
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