Here is a great post take a look
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I go to a fast food place for one reason to get food fast. It’s not because I want nice healthy food or its great taste it because I want the food now not in two minutes now. I am eating the fatty food because it is convenient That’s it end of discussion there is no other reason to go to a fast food place.
Sorry this one was so short but there really wasn’t much to write
Sorry this one was so short but there really wasn’t much to write
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A little before, during, and after World War II there was a massacre going on that almost no one in the U.S. can tell you anything about what happened in China during WWII. Even when I was looking up information for this post I couldn’t find that many articles that describe what happened so my information like numbers might be off by a little but I will get my point across.
Before the start of WWII Japan invaded China and was destroying everything and this continued during the whole WWII era and after. During this time the Japanese were mercifulness against the Chinese’s soldiers and civilians. The Chinese were used in chemical testing very similar to what happened in Germany with the Jews. Also the Japanese cut off food and water some millions of Chinese died of starvation. Thousands same reports say millions of women were taking and turned into sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers. Beheading was a favorite for the Japanese army but they tortured families by throwing their babies into the air and stabbing them with a bayonet. This whole thing was covered up by the fact that Chinas records were a mess and this didn’t get released till the 70s
It should not be hidden away it is a part of history and for some reason is being ignored.
Before the start of WWII Japan invaded China and was destroying everything and this continued during the whole WWII era and after. During this time the Japanese were mercifulness against the Chinese’s soldiers and civilians. The Chinese were used in chemical testing very similar to what happened in Germany with the Jews. Also the Japanese cut off food and water some millions of Chinese died of starvation. Thousands same reports say millions of women were taking and turned into sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers. Beheading was a favorite for the Japanese army but they tortured families by throwing their babies into the air and stabbing them with a bayonet. This whole thing was covered up by the fact that Chinas records were a mess and this didn’t get released till the 70s
It should not be hidden away it is a part of history and for some reason is being ignored.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

That is what this country is coming to the minute you are accused of something or just brought in for questioning you are guilty. I thought this was an innocent till proven guilty country but obviously it is innocent till the media get hold of your arrest record. If the court finds a defendant not guilty like OJ Simpson now I am not saying I believe he didn’t kill his wife but I am saying that this court system of the free people found that he didn’t kill his wife and that is all that should matter NO not anymore it is all about the finding the highest profile person and even if he didn’t do anything wrong he needs to be shunned from people.
This makes no sense to me this country was brought up on the principle innocent till proven guilty but it seems like its changed as people are getting more paranoid about terrorist plots and other things like rising crime rates but what people cant forget is that the founding father put together the constitution and I am sure they didn’t want it tossed out and the first sign of trouble people grow up and remember what we stand for
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
This makes no sense to me this country was brought up on the principle innocent till proven guilty but it seems like its changed as people are getting more paranoid about terrorist plots and other things like rising crime rates but what people cant forget is that the founding father put together the constitution and I am sure they didn’t want it tossed out and the first sign of trouble people grow up and remember what we stand for
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Here is another rant about parents shifting the blame off of themselves and putting it on fast food restaurants. Obesity is rising in this country far to rapidly and they blame has to go somewhere hmmmm don’t take the blame parents blame fast food restaurants I mean don’t teach your kids about taken reasonability just pawn it off on the biggest name possible. Most everyone has seen super size me and that movie is just idiotic who is dumb enough to eat only fast food huh what will happen hmmm maybe turning into a fat person. Here is my advice for parents that have obese kids tell them to PUT DOWN THE FORK and go outside I mean it seems simple right wrong no way is that simple because if it is why don’t people do that ohh that’s right its to hard to not go to fast food places I mean kids cant drive so they cant really get to the restaurants unless you take them there if your kid is fat don’t go to BK go to olive garden or something
The reason for this is because parents have seem to lost the ability to instill their children with values and basic common sense and also because I am sick of people not taking reasonability for what they did.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
The reason for this is because parents have seem to lost the ability to instill their children with values and basic common sense and also because I am sick of people not taking reasonability for what they did.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

I am sick and tired of Hollywood and the crap they are trying to sell to us. Almost every movie coming out of Hollywood is identical to every other movie. Here are the most common plots of movies.
Good guy finds girl loves girl saves girl end of story.
Bad guy turns on other bad guys and gets girl and saves the day.
Good guy turned bad and then going back to good and gets the girl and saves the day.
Those are the main plots in almost every movie and any somewhat intelligent person can predict the ending to any movie 30 minutes into it. Here’s an idea how about a movie that oh I don’t know is original is that so hard how about an unexpected plot twist.
The Departed is the best movie it has a cop undercover in the mob or some shit and he destroys the mob shocker there but here is the shocker the good cop dies he gets killed by someone you didn’t expect at all and then the ending is the best ever and what is so hard about doing that in more movies or how about a movie where the good guy doesn’t win just to change things up.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Good guy finds girl loves girl saves girl end of story.
Bad guy turns on other bad guys and gets girl and saves the day.
Good guy turned bad and then going back to good and gets the girl and saves the day.
Those are the main plots in almost every movie and any somewhat intelligent person can predict the ending to any movie 30 minutes into it. Here’s an idea how about a movie that oh I don’t know is original is that so hard how about an unexpected plot twist.
The Departed is the best movie it has a cop undercover in the mob or some shit and he destroys the mob shocker there but here is the shocker the good cop dies he gets killed by someone you didn’t expect at all and then the ending is the best ever and what is so hard about doing that in more movies or how about a movie where the good guy doesn’t win just to change things up.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
It seems that way because when an actor dies like Heath Ledger he is in the news for weeks afterwards but when thousands of people are slaughtered daily in Darfur or some other third world country there is no news mention of it unless you go looking for it online. Yes it is sad an actor died but when you think about the thousands of people that die brutal deaths or the ones that sacrifice themselves so their kids can escape from the rebels they are unknown people so they do not matter. People in this country can make me so pissed they only care if it affects them in anyway but they do the if I can’t see you you are not there routine.
I have been wanting to write this for awhile somewhere so this seems like any place to do it why write this so people might find out what is going on in Darfur and stop living in a box but I doubt that anything will wake people up to the horrors that happen everyday unless they see it first hand
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
I have been wanting to write this for awhile somewhere so this seems like any place to do it why write this so people might find out what is going on in Darfur and stop living in a box but I doubt that anything will wake people up to the horrors that happen everyday unless they see it first hand
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
We have all heard it when something goes wrong with their kids parents blame the media they blame video games they blame everyone but themselves. “My kid shouldn’t be convicted of 10 murders he never would of done it if he didn’t play those video games” Here is a crazy thought don’t buy your kid violent video games I mean that would seem like common sense wouldn’t it I guess not since more and more parents are complaining that violent video games are corrupting their kids. Also don’t tell your kids that it’s just a game and instill good values into your or anything just let him think that they can get away with murder by putting in a cheat code.
My favorite thing is when parents say ohh there is to much violence on TV and its making my kids do terrible things here is an idea turn off the TV is it so freaking hard to hit one button and guess what he wont see the violent crap on TV but now parents just complain after they realize they r idiots
Why write about parents and the media hmmm maybe because parents that blame the media are just idiots that couldn’t control their kid and now can’t face that fact
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
My favorite thing is when parents say ohh there is to much violence on TV and its making my kids do terrible things here is an idea turn off the TV is it so freaking hard to hit one button and guess what he wont see the violent crap on TV but now parents just complain after they realize they r idiots
Why write about parents and the media hmmm maybe because parents that blame the media are just idiots that couldn’t control their kid and now can’t face that fact
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Same Sex marriage

I honestly cant find a reason why the U.S. could block gays from getting married the only argument is because the bible says not too well there is one problem with that argument and that is the church isn’t suppose to influence the Government but you know who cares about the constitution its just the basis millions of people died over to protect but the minute it does something to that is against the bible the constitution is just firewood WOW what a great country we live in huh? People make it out that if gays got married it would bring down the world as we know it. Religious people are so closed minded it’s pathetic.
This one was easy to write about because why not let gay people get married. If someone can give me a good reason not to let gay people get married be my guest.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
This one was easy to write about because why not let gay people get married. If someone can give me a good reason not to let gay people get married be my guest.
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Yes Religion you have to have some strong faith to believe in a religion. I am a believer in god without a doubt but what I don’t know is how anyone can follow a religion like well I will just go after the biggest one and the one I know most about Christianity. How can anyone believe anything that come out of the church their history is filled with bloodshed corruption and the pursuit of choir boys. Can anyone tell me how this makes sense all of the major religions have in their sacred books don’t kill unless attacked first and if they were so intent on following what was written in the books how the hell did any religious wars start. The Pope HA that’s funny he is the guy that is connected to god right that is way he is picked by humans.
Why write this one its very simple religion hides behind its pure principals and its mindless followers are just pathetic I would bet if the pope wanted to do another crusade that he would find millions of people that would fight for him
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
Why write this one its very simple religion hides behind its pure principals and its mindless followers are just pathetic I would bet if the pope wanted to do another crusade that he would find millions of people that would fight for him
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Racism is everywhere in the U.S. scratch that it’s everywhere in the world but I will concentrate on just racism around African Americans
And that is where my rant starts is on the term “African American” it’s the political correct way to say someone is black but when u think about it that comment is racist itself it implies that all black people are from Africa and that is just idiotic that’s like walking up to me and calling me a German American because my ancestors are from Germany so unless every race is now going to be classified by a country not by the actual race of the person I am not white or Caucasian I am German American.
Why do black people get away with being racist they are always like “the white men are after us” “the white boy gets freed because he is white” You see it all the time but everyone gives black people a pass at being racist if someone said “it is the blacks fault” bam he is shunned from most people but if a black person said “it is the whites fault” no one cares and it’s a double standard that is making it impossible for blacks and whites to put all the history behind them.
Why write this you might ask well it’s because I am sick of politically correct statements that are wrong and freaking double standards they drive me insane
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT
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