Sunday, June 29, 2008


I was at my some family members house that I hate and she was yelling at her kid for being an ass or annoying I am not sure what he was doing specifically but his mom yelled “If you don’t cut it out I am going to take your toy away” or something like that. The kid still continued whatever he was doing and the mom got pissed but still the kid had his toy (it was like a doll or something) and the mom just yelled and yelled making threats and I am just sitting how the hell do you expect your kid to take you seriously when you don’t follow-through on your threats. If you tell your kid stop it or I am going to punch you in the face and he doesn’t stop and then you punch him in the face you think he is going to listen to your threats now.

I just want people to follow up on their word and don’t wuss out. If you say you are going to do something do it. It’s not the hard.

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Monday, June 23, 2008


I was going to the store the other day and on my way in I held the door open for a woman I know not like me huh but anyways she said thanks and went on her way and that was very cool. Then on my way out I held the door open for another woman and she yelled “You think I am unable to hold a door open myself” I just stood there and as she started to walk out of the door I shut it before she could get out flipped her the bird and walked away.

I am just thinking why women seem to flip flop on the way they want to be treated they get mad at you one day for not opening the door for them and then the next day when you do open the door for them they flip out on you because they want to show they are independent. Just make up your mind I don’t care how have like a huge meeting or something because I am just confused
Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am all for sports athletes getting paid the money they deserve. But what I can’t stand is when an athlete signs a contract and then bitches for more money. If you want more money don’t sign the contract be a man of your word and follow through on your commitment no one forced you to sign the contract. Also when athletes hold out for more money they are already making one million dollars that is a lot of money but most players are greedy and can’t wait till after their commitment is over

What drives me insane is when people make a lot of money but it is not enough people would kill for the money they already make

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Monday, June 16, 2008


What would stop someone from killing someone getting killed or spending 20 years in a box? Yes jail serves its purpose for most people but if someone kills someone on purpose they deserve to be killed themselves it’s an eye for an eye. No waiting 20 years on death row either yes give people a chance to appeal and what not but make it short and sweet so people can move on. Also the death penalty puts more fear in people then jail so it would most likely prevent murders.

Why must criminals spend their whole life in a jail cell if they took a life if the person gets a life sentence make his/her life short that might sound cruel who cares what you think

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Sunday, June 15, 2008


This is about Michael Vick. Me and my sister were arguing about Vick yes what he did was bad very bad, we agreed on this part but she said he shouldn’t be allowed back into the NFL because of his crime but I think he should because the point of jail is to punish people for their crimes so he did his time so he should be able to get on with his life its that simple.

What I don’t get is people go to jail and come out and people treat them like trash and they expect the ex criminal to be good but how can you when he is given so few opportunities to get his life back together like I said do the time for your crime and you should be able to get on with your life.

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I went to a baseball game the other day and I sat in the upper deck and I like watching people so in-between one of the innings I saw at least a dozen fat people not those slightly over weight people but the ones that need butter to slides into their seats. I can understand being a little overweight or pleasantly plump (if you r to much of a wuss to call someone fat) When I was looking at these people and thinking there must be a time when you cant see your feet that you realize something is wrong with your lifestyle.

I would think that people would realize that something was wrong but they are to blind to notice anything wrong with themselves and it pisses me off

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT

Sunday, June 8, 2008


This is about terminally ill people being allowed to be euthanized by doctors. What I don’t get are people that are against it. Do they want people that are going to be dead in a month to suffer through hell for that month or just put them out of their misery and it’s the dying peoples choice its not like the doctors is force feeding poison down the patients throat.

I am shocked more people are not in support of this I think family members just get greedy and can’t seem to let go. Here is something to help these wuss ass family members THEY ARE GOING TO DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH

Accept that as the truth because that is what it is you know why because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT